Concepts in CPS 通信概念 (Not finished)


Please don’t over emphasize these concepts! These are just bullshits that horrifies laymans, which CANNOT lift ANY understanding of the principles of communication!!!! So just know these a little bit in case you don’t understand what the hell the engineering books are talking about.

Bullshits start here

  • Baseband signal 基带信号,基频信号:原始的未经过频率调制后的信号,其频谱一般在0附近才有。

  • Sideband signal (SB) 边带信号:调制完以后的信号,频谱分布在carrier信号频率 $f_c$ 的两侧。还分为 upper sideband (USB) 上边带,和 lower sideband (LSB) 下边带。

  • Bandwidth (B) (模拟信号的)带宽:频谱大概的长度,如图为 $2f_m$。

  • RF signal (Radio frequency signal) 射频信号:20 kHz-300 GHz内的电磁波,翻译成无线电多好,还射频。其他波段有其他的名字,如红外线、X射线等。

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